The Good Garage Scheme: Broad Oak Garage Broad Oak Garage

Broad Oak Garage

B4521, Broad Oak, St Weonards, Nr Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 8QU

01981 580285

star rating

How is this feedback score calculated?

This score is calculated by averaging all feedback forms received from this garage's customers since they joined the scheme.

Each garage is rated by the following criteria:

  • Helpfulness and attitude of staff.
  • Quality of vehicle updates during repair.
  • Standard of repairs to your vehicles.
  • General satisfaction overall.

And the scores are then collated to give an overall percentage score as listed here.

You can find the individual scores on the garage feedback page, linked from the feedback section at the bottom of this page.

97.3% from 57 feedbacks
Leave Feedback
Available Brakes
Available Engine Diagnostics
Available Pick Up / Drop Off
Available Recovery
Available Servicing
Available Tyres
Available MOT Testing On-Site

Business details

  • Business formed in: 1978
  • Date joined: 23/02/2007
  • Contact: Graham Nicholls
  • Telephone: 01981 580285

Additional services:

Specialist in:

  • All makes & models serviced & repaired
5 star rating
All I needed was a quiet, noble and honorable mechanic to deal with a small but essential problem. They dropped everything and solved the problem immediately. Several other garages had turned me down and couldn't help for 3 weeks. They are pure princes amongst men. This is an OUTSTANDING garage.
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