The Good Garage Scheme: Approved Suppliers Approved Suppliers

Approved Suppliers

We do not give your details to any company unless you have requested it. 

Companies that contact you regarding any other Good Garage Scheme Member Benefit should be aware of your Membership number if they are an Approved Supplier.  If they can not give you your membership number when they contact you, they may not an Approved Supplier.

Please see the list of the Good Garage Scheme’s current discounted and subsidised member benefit Approved Suppliers:*
Motor Trade Insurance:   Boswell   01603 626155

Overalls and Laundry:     Johnsons Apparelmaster  0800 592 254

Waste Disposal:    Safetykleen      01909 519300

Free Legal Helpline:  Retail Motor Law  01832 293003

Websites:  Websites4UKgarages    01159 574174

Online Technical Training: Our Virtual Academy   020 3286 2228

Card Payment Services:   Accept Cards    01422 372818  

Online Technical Data:  e3technical 0333 3208636

Workshop Manager Software: Garage Data Systems 01482 330735

Diagnostic Equipment: The Blue Gecko   01582 228021

Service Plan Administrator:  EMaC  0330 099 6830

Subsidised  Signage: contact your Good Garage Scheme representative


Look out for the Good Garage Scheme Approved Supplier logo:

Still not sure?
If you still have any doubt whether the company is an Approved Supplier, please contact our head office or to confirm before proceeding.

* This information is correct as of May 2018.

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